Conditions and Impacts of Academic Administration of Islamic Private Schools Using Japanese Lesson Study Innovations, Southern Border Provinces

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Wittaya Payayam
Muhammadafeefee Assalihee


This research was a qualitative research 1) to study the general condition of the school's lesson study operation and 2) to study the impact of lesson study on school academic administration. The research was divided into 2 parts. In the first part, there was 3 forms of data collecting: a Focus group discussion with the administrators, head of academic affairs and teachers from 7 leading schools, totaling 12 people; a focus group discussion with 3 experts in the field of educational innovation; and a non-participant observation of all 7 leading schools. In the second part, Focus group discussion were held with experts in the field of educational innovation, private Islamic school management, and the development of teachers' professions, a total of 5 people. The semi-structured focus group discussion was used as a tool in the research. The results showed that

It seems that the academic management of the private Islamic school in the southern border province was facing several challenges. The main issue was that the management of the school's academic affairs was not meeting its goals and objectives. This was reflected in a number of areas, including: 1) The school's academic planning and quality assurance efforts are not focused on the classroom or on students and teachers. 2) The management of the curriculum is not paying enough attention to the curriculum itself. 3) The management of learning is not prioritizing students. 4) The management of resources for learning is not providing adequate support. 5) The school's measurement and evaluation efforts are overly focused on testing. 6) The development of teachers' professional skills is mainly done through external training and does not prioritize the needs of the school. Using lesson study has had a positive impact on the management of academic affairs in several areas. Specifically: 1) The school's academic planning and quality assurance efforts have been able to meet standards for school quality. 2) The school's management of the curriculum has shown increased attention to the curriculum itself. 3) The management of learning has become more student-focused. 4) The management of resources for learning has provided increased support for teachers in designing educational media. 5) The school's measurement and evaluation efforts have shifted to focus on individual development. 6) The school's management of teacher professional development has prioritized the needs of the school. Overall, the using of Japanese lesson study has helped the school address some of the challenges it was facing in its academic management and has led to improvements in several areas and It was not uncommon for the implementation of innovative teaching methods to have both positive and negative impacts on the management of academic affairs. In this case, it appears that one negative impact has been that teachers may have had to work harder in order to successfully implement the innovations and achieve positive results for students.

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How to Cite
Payayam, W., & Assalihee, M. (2022). Conditions and Impacts of Academic Administration of Islamic Private Schools Using Japanese Lesson Study Innovations, Southern Border Provinces. Journal of Education Yala Rajabhat University, 1(2), 11–31. retrieved from
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