Teaching Document Development of the Course an Introduction to Research in Social Science for Diploma students of Local Government Program Satun Community College
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Teaching materials are important tools in the study of Satun Community College. It can be applied as a teaching aid. according to the context of the need. The objectives of this research were to develop teaching document, compare learning achievement, and study the level of students’ satisfaction on learning by using teaching document of the course an Introduction to Research in Social Science through research-based learning. The samples selected by Simple Random Sampling were 31 diploma students
of local government program of Satun community college enrolled in the 1st semester, 2020. The instruments in the research were 1) learning management plans, 2) teaching document of the course an Introduction to Research in Social Science, 3) achievement test, and 4) learning satisfaction questionnaire. The statistics used for data analysis were mean, standard deviation, 80/80 efficiency testing, and and t–test dependent. The results found that 1) The efficiency testing of teaching document of the course an Introduction to Research in Social Science was 84.50/84.44, 2) the students’ learning achievement
of posttest was statistically significant higher than pretest at the level 0.01 and 3) the students’ satisfaction was high level. ( = 4.48, S.D. = 0.50)
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