TThe Effectiveness of Arabic language for hotel book

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romyi morhi
Adilah Hayeeniwae
Masamdi Saa


This research has the following objectives 1) To develop and find the quality of hotel Arabic language books 2) To compare the reading achievement before and after class of students who studied Arabic books for hotels. 3) To study students' satisfaction with using Arabic books for hotels. The target group used in this research was 30 Mathayom 6 students at Satri Islamwittaya Foundation School The tools used to collect data are 1) Arabic book for hotels 2) Book efficiency test 3) Satisfaction questionnaire the research results found that 1) The efficiency of Arabic books for hotels is equal to 3.83 2) The results of the comparison of reading achievement after studying were higher than before, with a statistical significance of .05 3) Students' satisfaction with the assessment found that Students are satisfied with learning the Hospitality Arabic book at a high level. with the overall average being 3.87 or 77.4 percent. Percent, arranged in order of most satisfaction, including utilization. It can be useful in your career, followed by content arrangement/book format. Classification of vocabulary in order

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How to Cite
morhi, romyi, Hayeeniwae, A. ., & Saa, M. . (2024). TThe Effectiveness of Arabic language for hotel book. Journal of Education Yala Rajabhat University, 3(1), 13–21. Retrieved from
Research Article


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