The role of Mosques in the Development of the Muslim Community in a Multicultural Society in Pattani Province

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Abdullateh Saleah
Weayosof Sidae
Roshidah Hanakamae
Salma Daemohleng


This research is qualitative research. The objective is to study the role of mosques in the development of the Muslim community in a multicultural society in Pattani Province. Data was collected by in-depth interviews with key informants, including Imam, Koteb, Bilal and representatives of the Islamic Committee of Mosques, a total of 25 people, selected according to specified criteria from the area of ​​Pattani Province. Data were analyzed using content analysis. The research results found that the role of the mosque in the development of the Muslim community in a multicultural society in Pattani Province is 1) The role of helping the poor. 2) Role in maintaining Malay identity and intercultural relations 3) The role of Islamic education towards peace and 4) The role of unity.

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How to Cite
Saleah, A., Sidae, W., Hanakamae, R., & Daemohleng, S. . (2024). The role of Mosques in the Development of the Muslim Community in a Multicultural Society in Pattani Province. Journal of Education Yala Rajabhat University, 3(1), 73–79. Retrieved from
Research Article


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