Development of Basic Mathematical Skills for Preschool Children by Using Creative Arts Activities from Recycled material. Schools Under the Office of Private Education Satun Province
preschool children, creative arts activities, recycled materialsAbstract
The objectives of this research were to 1) Developing the basic mathematical skills for preschoolers by using creative art activities made from recycled materials. For the schools under the private education office of Satun cycle province to achieve efficiency according to criteria 80% 2) Compare the basic mathematical skills of preschoolers before and after organizing experiments using creative arts activities to from recycled materials. The sample group used in this research was 30 preschool students aged 3-5, trimester 1, 2020 academic year of Satunsanti School, under the Satun Provincial Private Education Bureau, which was obtained by randomization in several stages. The researcher conducted the experiment on his own. The experiment was conducted 5 day per week, 50 minutes per day, for a total of 4 weeks, for a total of 20 days. The research tool included 1) the managing using arts activities creative experiment from recycled materials plan. 2) A test to measure the math basic skills of preschoolers. The statistics used for data analysis were the mean, standard deviation, and t-value. The results of the research found 1) The experience management plan using the creative art activities from materials. Early Childhood Recycling Effective from 84.00 / 91.00 2) The basic mathematical skills of preschoolers after receiving creative art activities from recycled materials. Overall, it was higher than before the organization of activities with statistical significance at the 0.01 level.
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