A Study of Problems of Curriculum Implementation by teachers Under Office of Uthaithani Primary Education Service Area 2
Problem, Curriculum Implementation, TeachersAbstract
The purposes of the study were to 1) Study the problem of the teachers' curriculum application under the office of Uthaithani Primary Education Service Area 2 and 2) compare the problems of curriculum application by teachers under the office of Uthaithani Primary Education Service Area 2 classified by subject. The samples of the study were 297 teachers under the office of Uthaithani Primary Education Service Area 2. The samples were selected based on the Taro Yamane table, and using Multi-stage sampling. The study tool was a 5 points rating scale questionnaire, 45 questions, IOC between 0.67-1.00 with a reliability coefficient of .75. The statistics used for data analysis were standard deviation and One Way ANOVA. The study found as follows: 1. The problem of the teachers' curriculum application by teachers under the office of Uthaithani Primary Education Service Area 2, is in the medium level, when considering each aspect found that the highest problem were preparation, instructional media, evaluation and teaching management, respectively. 2. The State problem of course application by teachers under the office of Uthaithani Primary Education Service Area 2 classified by subject is not different.
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