A Study of the Reflection of the Male Homosexual Group in the Male Homosexual Novel Named Nitanpandow of Bacteria


  • Anongnat Thongsan Thai Program, Faculty of Education, Nakhon Ratchasima Rajabhat University
  • Sarun Jaranai Thai Program, Faculty of Education, Nakhon Ratchasima Rajabhat University
  • Hataiwan Maneewong
  • Hataiwan Maneewong Thai Program, Faculty of Education, Nakhon Ratchasima Rajabhat University


Reflection, Male homosexual group, MSM novel


This research aimed to Study of the Reflection of the Male Homosexual Group in the Male Homosexual Novel Named Nitanpandow of Bacteria, By qualitative research methodology and analyze the reflection of the male homosexual group in the male homosexual novel named Nitanpandow Bacteria The results of the study found that analysis of male homosexual reflection on the characteristics of people, it was found that the MSM male and female had different expressions of love behaviors. The characters were male and female, there was an expression of love during sex. but heterosexual characters cannot express their love between the sexes. because it was love that is wrong with the gender according to the nature of the human being. The reflection on the way of life showed that captain Phupha He had a career in military service because a career in the military service must be a strong person and be able to protect others when showing that they had good feelings about the same sex the masculinity in itself was reduced, and the reflections on the attitude found that the military profession and protect the female. However, the main character in the story who was shown to design a gay male inability to express clearly. The reflections from various ideas found patriarchal ideas. from the event that Gen. Teerayut, the father of Thian who used their power to command captain Phupha to take care of him while he became a volunteer teacher. The characteristic of Phapundao or the Akha tradition for men who were about to get married and try to have sexual relations with a widow first. Feminist concept, Khun Ying Lalita was a charitable person. She always went out with her husband. What Khun Ying Lalita was doing despite of her happiness it was done for saving her husband face and dignity ang the concept of queer theory is Thian and captain Phupha where they had a good relationship with each other which was love among male homosexuals However, they did not show off or let the people determine try themselves what gender were they both.


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How to Cite

Thongsan, A. ., Jaranai, S. ., Maneewong, H. ., & Maneewong, H. . (2022). A Study of the Reflection of the Male Homosexual Group in the Male Homosexual Novel Named Nitanpandow of Bacteria. Journal of Human and Society, Sisaket Rajabhat University, 5(1), 45–64. retrieved from https://so08.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jhuso/article/view/1142