The Recommendation for Water Tourism Routes with Multimodal Networks Analysis in Bangkok
Water Tourism, Pier, Multimodal Network, Geographic Information SystemAbstract
The objective of this research was to 1) analyze models and densities of water tourist attraction, located within 400 meters radius from the ports in Bangkok and metropolitan areas and 2) recommend the water tourism routes using multimodal networks analysis in Bangkok. The results of the analysis revealed that both the Chao Phraya River and Tha Chin River attractions had clustered distribution the same. Nearest Neighbor Ratio were 0.683666 and 0.779086, respectively. The results indicated that the most crowded water attractions were in the Ratchawong Pier, Rajinee Pier, Wat Arun Ferry Pier, Tian Pier, and Wang Lang Lang Pier for a ferry to cross the Chao Phraya River. In addition, very crowded tourist attractions were in the area of Mahachai Pier, Chalom Pier, S Pier, and Pier in Nakhon Chai Si District Nakhon Pathom Province in the Tha Chin River. The results of suggesting the best routing for water tourism had 3 routes under the conditions of distance, duration, average of cruise’s speed, average of walk’s speed, and travel cost. Each route had two modes of transportation: water and pedestrian networks. The suggested route results were 1) The recreational tourist route can reach 5 tourist attractions with a total distance of 9.36 kilometers. 2) The art and science tourism route can reach 5 tourist attractions with a total distance of 5.03 kilometers. 3) The historical tourism route can reach 9 tourist attractions with a total distance of 8.438 kilometers.
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