Development Guideline of Upgrading Product Processing from Reed Mats to Increase Value Added to Community Products of Ban Hua Dong, Nong Mi Sub-district, Rasisalai district, Sisaket Province
Upgrading Product, Product Processing from Reed Mats, Increase Value AddedAbstract
The study on the guideline in upgrading product processing from the reed mats to increase value added to community products of Ban Hua Dong, Nong Mi Sub-district, Rasisalai district, Sisaket province was used a qualitative research methodology by using observing, interviewing and brainstorming. The objectives were as follows: (1) To study the current conditions in operating of the reed mat weaving group at Ban Hua Dong, Nong Mi Sub-district, Rasisalai district, Sisaket province, (2) To study the cost and return of the reed mat weaving of Ban Hua Dong Reed Weaving Group, Nong Mi Sub-district, Rasisalai district, Sisaket province, and (3) To study the guideline in upgrading product processing from reed mats to increase value added to the community products of Ban Hua Dong, Nong Mi Sub-district, Rasisalai district, Sisaket province. This research used a qualitative research method by interviewing and brainstorming sessions to obtain the factual information, opinion mining and attitudes. 18 key informants in the interviewing and 9 participants in the brainstorming. The results of the research were as follows : (1) Current conditions in operating consisted of production, sales and marketing, finance and accounting and general administration. (2) All operating costs were incurred in the production sector, when calculating the return or profit in cash, it was found that all seven products such as roll mats, 2 fold mats, 3 fold mats, seat for the Buddhist monk, pillowcases, tissue paper containers and bags are can making cash profit, but if the return was calculated according to the accounting principles. It was found that only the seat for the Buddhist monk, pillowcases, tissue paper containers, and bags were capable of making profit according to the accounting principles. (3) The guideline in upgrading product processing from the reed mats to increase value added to community products with the IQDD model consists of 4 aspects : 1) I : Identity of product, 2) Q : Quality Product Certification, 3) D : Development of Product, and 4) D : Demand of Consumer.
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