Goods Transportation Factor Analysis of Logistics Business during the COVID-19 Epidemic Crisis

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Chayapol Phupatt
Woraanong Thotongkam
porntip rodpon


This research aimed to 1) analyze the factors of the transportation of the logistics business during the COVID-19 epidemic crisis in the aspect of operators in freight logistics and 2) identify the indicators of the transportation of logistics business during the COVID-19 epidemic crisis in the aspect of operators in freight logistics. Data was obtained from 324 respondents. The questionnaires were mailed to the logistics business operators ,who transported goods with trucks , certified for the quality of truck transport service Q Mark in Thailand. Results showed that there were 5 components of the goods transportation as the following; (1) the management system within the organization; 3 indicators,        (2) the management of the freight drivers; 3 indicators, (3) the management of the freight vehicles ;              3 indicators, (4) the management of routes used in goods transport ;2 indicators and (5) the interaction to the crisis of health safety; 2 indicators. The results of this research can be used as a model for the goods transportation management of the logistics business during the epidemic crisis, especially for the operators in freight logistics and also the other organizations. This model could create the confidence and the trust for the customers and generate safety for the employees ’ health within the organization during the epidemic crisis.

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How to Cite
Phupatt, C., Thotongkam, W., & rodpon, porntip. (2022). Goods Transportation Factor Analysis of Logistics Business during the COVID-19 Epidemic Crisis. Journal of Management Science Nakhonratchasima University, 1(1), 34–50. Retrieved from
Research article


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