Development to Enhance Ban Khlong Muang community products, Ban Khlong Muang Sub-district, Pak Chong District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province to commercial competition.

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Sucheera Thanavut


This research was objected to 1) study the potential and the readiness of the community for enhancing the community product to reach the commercial competition potential 2) to create the guidelines to develop the product potential reaching the sustainable competitive advantage. The research processes were 1) exploring the needs and analyzing the potential of the community products by a focus group method of 14 key informants. 2) searching for the product potential to be developed into commercial competition. The data was collected by using the questionnaire about the satisfaction of the product development from 30 people in the community, who bought or consumed Krayasart and 150 consumers at the souvenir shops in Pak Chong District. After that, the evaluation of the developed products into the commercial competition was done. The results showed that the need for the product potential development ,competing with other entrepreneurs or commercial competition, was the highest (= 3.65 , S.D.=0.43). For the guidelines of the product development, the process, the production and the new product models, the community representatives selected Krayasart as the raw material. They must develop it into various forms expanded to every kind of consumers. The package design must be modernized, convenient to carry and consume. Finally, the product design was developed into 2 kinds; 1) the snack bar and 2) the energy balls.

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How to Cite
Thanavut, S. (2023). Development to Enhance Ban Khlong Muang community products, Ban Khlong Muang Sub-district, Pak Chong District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province to commercial competition. Journal of Management Science Nakhonratchasima University, 2(1), 63–77. retrieved from
Research article


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