Management for Local Development of the Subdistrict Administrative Organization in Nakhon Ratchasima Province
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This research was objected to study the quality of the public administration and the local administrators’ leadership affecting the local development. The sample group was consisted of 400 people, with domicile addresses appearing on their ID cards in the Subdistrict Administrative Organization area, Nakhon Ratchasima Province. The tool was a questionnaire. The statistics, used in data analysis, were included with Frequency, Percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation. and Multiple Regression Analysis.
The results revealed that the overall quality of the public administration of the Subdistrict Administrative Organizations in Nakhon Ratchasima Province was at a high level ( =3.58). Considering each aspect, it was found that the operational result aspect was the highest ( = 3.98), followed by the measurement analysis and the knowledge management aspect ( = 3.67), the focus on the customer service and the stakeholders aspect ( = 3.65). For the leadership aspects, the overall aspects were at a high level ( = 3.49). Considering each aspect, it revealed that
the honesty and the sincerity aspects were the highest ( = 3.88), followed by the vision aspect ( = 3.61) and the self-development aspect ( = 3.58), For the Multiple Regression Analysis,
= 3.118+0.086 (the prestige aspect) + 0.076 (the focus on the personnel aspect) + 0.050 (the focus on the customer service and the stakeholders) + 0.024 (the organization leadership aspect). However, the organization should be improved and appropriately developed in the same direction with the explicit goals. The strategic management, the review, the evaluation and the integration should be performed to sustainably reinforce the organizational excellences.
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