Export Product Standard Creation; A Case study of Food Processing Community Enterprise, Ban Wang RangYai, Sung Noen District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province.

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Sucheera Thanavut
Ekarach Nhukaew
Suphaporn Laksameethanasarn
Phuangpornphat Viriya
Sutira Charoen


The research was objected 1) to determine the potential of Ban Wang Rang Yai food processing community enterprise’s products 2) to determine guidelines for the development of Ban Wang Rang Yai food processing community products for the export. The sample group consisted of 16 entrepreneurs and members of the Ban Wang Rang Yai food processing community enterprise. It was the Mixed-method research. The quantity research tool was the questionnaire. The data were analyzed by Percentage and Standard Deviation. For the qualitative research tools, they were the interview form, the brain storming meeting and Focus group. The findings revealed that the community products had differences, unique, specific taste and could be promoted for the export. According to the BCG-Matrix analysis, in the "Dogs" category, it indicated that the market share and the growth rate were at the low level. Moreover, there was a small profit, compared
to the other products. For the export promotion, the new products should be supported to
show the growth of the group. The new products would also be choices for the customers.
For the production capacity, the new products would as well bring out the full potential of the personnels in community enterprises. On the contrary, reducing production costs could create profits. Increasing the number of products under existing brands was also a marketing opportunity. Apart from this, selling new products through existing distribution channels would get a high chance of success, create awareness among customers quickly and could be sold along with the original products. This could also save money by using the same transportation. Then, adding the new products to the market was therefore an alternative for the community enterprises.

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How to Cite
Thanavut, S., Nhukaew, E., Laksameethanasarn, S., Viriya, P., & Charoen, S. (2024). Export Product Standard Creation; A Case study of Food Processing Community Enterprise, Ban Wang RangYai, Sung Noen District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province. Journal of Management Science Nakhonratchasima University, 3(1), 60–76. Retrieved from https://so08.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmsnrru/article/view/2500
Research article


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