Supply Chain Collaboration Influencing Tourism Competitiveness in the Area of Korat Subdistrict, Sung Noen District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province
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This research was aimed to 1) study the supply chain collaboration and the competitiveness in tourism. 2) study the supply chain collaboration influencing the competitiveness in tourism in Korat Subdistrict, Sung Noen District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province. The tool was a questionnaire. The Systematic and the Simple sampling was performed for the data collection with the sample group of 348 people. Statistics for the data analysis were Percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation and Multiple Regression Analysis. The research results revealed that the opinion regarding the supply chain collaboration and the competitiveness in tourism was at a high level. In addition, the supply chain collaboration, influencing the tourism competitiveness at the level of 70.5 percent, was included with the communication collaboration, the knowledge exchange, the exchange of the resources and the collaboration in the decision making. The development guidelines emphasized the communication and the information exchange between the network partners and the community members. They must participate in planning, monitoring, evaluating and designing the tourism activities. The digital technology should be supported the communication and the dissemination of the information regarding the tourism activities. In addition, the training to provide knowledge about presenting the highlights of the local cultural tourist attractions, the creative learning about the way of life and the events related to the history in the community, the development of the local products and services from the unique local knowledge, should be performed to create the income and the self-reliance along with the sustainable conservation of the natural resources and the environment.
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