Core Competencies Affecting the Work Performance Effectiveness of the Local Government Organization Officers in Lamplaimat District, Buriram Province

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nitaya termtain
Siriporn Loetyingyot


The objectives of this research were 1) to study core competencies of local government organization officers in Lamplaimat district, Buriram province 2) to study the work performance effectiveness of the local government organization officers in Lamplaimat district, Buriram province, and 3) to study the influence of the core competencies affecting the work performance effectiveness of the local government organization officers in Lamplaimat district, Buriram province. The population is 314 employees of 17 local government organizations in Lam Plai Mat district, Buriram Province. The research instrument was a questionnaire. The stratifies sampling and the convenient sampling technique were used. The sample group was 200 people. The statistics used for data analysis were frequency, mean, percentage, standard deviation (S.D.) and stepwise multiple regression analysis.

            The results of the study found as the following; 1) The level of opinion towards the core competencies of the work performance of local government organization officers in Lamplaimat district, Buriram province was at a high level overall. 2) The level of opinion towards the work performance effectiveness of local government organization officers in Lamplaimat district, Buriram province was at the high level overall.  3) The influence of the core competencies that statistic significantly affected the work performance effectiveness of the local government organization officers in Lamplaimat district, Buriram at the the level of 0.05. in 3 aspects; the organization commitment and the work system, the teamwork, and the achievement motivation respectively

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How to Cite
termtain, nitaya, & Loetyingyot, S. (2022). Core Competencies Affecting the Work Performance Effectiveness of the Local Government Organization Officers in Lamplaimat District, Buriram Province. Journal of Management Science Nakhonratchasima University, 1(2), 27–44. retrieved from
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