Sport Tourism Development in Buriram Province


  • Thongchai Klaisang Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


development, tourism, sport tourism


This research article aimed to study the sports tourism development in Buriram Province. It was a qualitative research. Interviews with 17 key informants. The tools used in the research were interview forms, descriptive data analysis.

The results showed that Tourists spend more time staying in Buriram province. Tourists are more comfortable traveling to Buriram. have a good impression and experience Personnel are ready to create a good experience for tourists and support the development of quality tourist attractions. People from all sectors understand and are ready to participate in the development of goods and services. The province has sufficient personnel to meet the needs of the tourism industry and reduce dependence on foreign workers. Personnel have management skills and specific skills to support sport tourism and have higher potential in terms of quality, knowledge and competence. Buriram Province has an image of a quality sport tourism destination. Makes tourists more confident and confident in traveling to Buriram province. Integrated planning and operations of all sectors are consistent and in the same direction There is investment in the development of the sports tourism industry through cooperation between the public, private and community sectors.


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How to Cite

Klaisang, T. (2022). Sport Tourism Development in Buriram Province. Academic Journal of Political Science and Public Administration, 1(1), 1–15. retrieved from