Roles of Women: Local Political Participation


  • Salinee Raggatanyoo Mahamakut Buddhist University


Roles of women, Political Participation, Local political


This article aimed to present the roles of women in local political participation. The content in this article presented the characteristics and forms of political participation, the roles of Thai women and political participation, conditions and components of political participation and local government. In the past, Thailand did not grant women the right to be a political leader, but after the constitution law since the year 2007. Women received political rights equal to men as citizens of the country. Therefore, women had the opportunity to fully play the political role, especially the role of political participation at both the national and local levels. This article focused on the local political participation of women


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How to Cite

Raggatanyoo, S. . . (2022). Roles of Women: Local Political Participation. Academic Journal of Political Science and Public Administration, 1(2), 25–32. retrieved from