Public Policy: Cannabis for Alternative Medicine


  • Aphiwat Jata Ganja TV News Agency


Cannabis policy, Medical Cannabis, Alternative Medicine


Today, medical Cannabis As widely available, In the medical benefits of marijuana use in the right way. To help individual patients appropriately Thailand is not the first country that are authorized to extract from cannabis use, The revision of drug law and the restriction of medical use will affect the public health system of the country. Thailand is widespread, However, Public policy in controlling the use of marijuana extracts, medical benefits are vital to the development of the country's public health systems.

Public policy in the public health system must be clear. The health consequences of being prepared to take responsibility may arise in policy implementation. The scope of public health policy must include relevant policies, such as social policy and tax policy. The success of public policy depends on many important factors, which the government must continue to promote.


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How to Cite

Jata, A. . . (2022). Public Policy: Cannabis for Alternative Medicine. Academic Journal of Political Science and Public Administration, 1(2), 33–41. Retrieved from