Tourism development in special economic areas


  • Tassanee piyajaroendech Punsook 88 Company Limited


Development, Tourism, Special Economic Area


The tourism had an important role in the national economic development in the short-term including creating the immunity and laying the foundations for long-term economic and social systems. Tourism development according to the economic potential and economic of the area by people participation in the community can lay the foundation and develop the country to be strong economy. Therefore, special economic area was important targets that are suitable for tourism development under the strategy of promoting, supporting, directing and granting some privileges in business operations. However, tourism development in economic areas must develop in tandem with the social context including local arts and culture and environment. Important factors that must be developed are tourist attraction, services and products of tourist attractions to attract the tourists to have attention and economic value creation for further sustainability


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How to Cite

piyajaroendech, T. . . (2022). Tourism development in special economic areas. Academic Journal of Political Science and Public Administration, 1(3), 23–31. retrieved from