Conflict in Thai Society: Alternatives to Conflict Resolution


  • Phongphat Chittanurak Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


conflict, concept, society


Nowadays, Thai society is clearly divided into various groups due to the different political views from the increasing inequality in Thai society. Conflicting of interest between each other because of lacking of unequal opportunities in terms of education and media information, understanding of democracy, lines clear bases or lines of legislative, and judicial and administrative power, and etc., is issued. However, conflicts issue can be solved if equal education is provided for people in Thai society in order to build awareness, take consideration, and be aware of things. Embed democracy in everyone's mind will gather Thai society together peacefully, and cooperation can also provide benefit of the nation as a result.


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How to Cite

Chittanurak, P. . . (2022). Conflict in Thai Society: Alternatives to Conflict Resolution. Academic Journal of Political Science and Public Administration, 1(3), 32–40. retrieved from