Leadership and Public Administration


  • Kitwichai chaiyapawnsiri Independent Scholar


Leadership, Administration, Civil service


The success of leaders in the administration of the government must have the skills and capabilities of leaders in the administration of the government. Is the ability of leaders to participate in the creation of a mission, motivation, vision, the creation of an effective work system in the same direction to achieve the common policy objectives, leaders are an important part, especially in the administration of the government, that leaders must have leadership. Have knowledge, ability, and skills in many areas such as good supervisor skills and leadership Use management principles and professional management Have a good understanding of the roles and responsibilities of being a good manager, know how to self-learn and learn personally and must be someone who knows management psychology as well the most effective leaders are leaders who focus on both work and people, using concepts, feature leaders, concepts, behavioral leaders. Situational leadership concepts of modern leadership and the application of the principles to be good, effective leaders in the globalization era well


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How to Cite

chaiyapawnsiri, K. . . (2022). Leadership and Public Administration. Academic Journal of Political Science and Public Administration, 1(3), 41–51. retrieved from https://so08.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/AJPP/article/view/1317