The Problem of Foreign Workers Affecting Thai Society Today


  • Nara Bunlikitkul B.L.C. Law Office


Foreign workers, Thai society


The problems of foreign worker and illegal worker were terrible problems that caused impact on internal security in Thai society. The causes were due to the economic growth and intense competition under the era of industrial innovation. That cause was directly impacted on the worker structure especially the basic worker market which was rejected by Thai workers in the country. The most jobs in country were only worker, not required specific skills or expertise. Therefore, foreign worker was a role in the production and service of Thai society including the worker market which had higher demand for worker then there were a more rapacious for worker. That cause resulted to entering to Thailand of foreign worker by lawful and illegal which became to various problems that affected to Thai society in the present.


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How to Cite

Bunlikitkul, N. . . (2022). The Problem of Foreign Workers Affecting Thai Society Today. Academic Journal of Political Science and Public Administration, 2(2), 28–35. retrieved from