Desirable Characteristics of the 1st Precinct Members Of The Parliament, Chaiyapum Province


  • Phramaha Vissanu Jiravattanamethi Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Desirable Characteristics, Members of the Parliament, the 1st Precinct


This article was to study the level of people's opinions, to compare the people's opinion and the problems, obstacles and recommendations for the Desirable Characteristics of the 1st Precinct Members of the Parliament, Chaiyapum Province, using Mixed Methods. Findings were the level of people's opinion on the People’s expectations of Desirable Characteristics of the 1st Precinct Members of the Parliament, by overall, was at high level. Based on different is not found to be different rejecting the research hypothesis. Problems and obstacles were that Recommendations for desirable characteristics of the 1st Precinct Members of the Parliament were as: smart, knowledge and wisdom to be good leaders, have good behaviors, polite and humble as the general Buddhists, have far and wide eye sight and timely. Have create, must be polite and humble before and after election as the habit, even the opportunities arise.


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How to Cite

Jiravattanamethi, P. V. . (2022). Desirable Characteristics of the 1st Precinct Members Of The Parliament, Chaiyapum Province. Academic Journal of Political Science and Public Administration, 2(3), 1–11. retrieved from