Democratic Political Comprehension Enhancement of People at Phra-Intharaja Sub–District Municipality, Bang Pa-In District, Ayutthaya Province


  • Pinanong Thongbo Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Democratic, Political, Comprehension Enhancement


This article was to study the opinions level for compare people’s opinions and to study problems and suggestions of understanding of politics and democratic governance of the people in Phra Intharaja Sub-district Municipality. Using mixed methods, finding the level of people’s for enhancing the understanding of politics and democratic governance of the people were at high level. Based on different is not found to be different no aspect the research hypothesis. Problems and obstacles were that for the cooperation in going out to exercise the right to vote. The proposal should go out to exercise the right to vote.


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How to Cite

Thongbo, P. . . (2022). Democratic Political Comprehension Enhancement of People at Phra-Intharaja Sub–District Municipality, Bang Pa-In District, Ayutthaya Province. Academic Journal of Political Science and Public Administration, 2(3), 12–20. retrieved from