Buddhist monks and Thai politics


  • Prakong Mato Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Phrakhru uthis thamaphinạy (Pradon paripunno) Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Monks, Thai politics


This content has a point to present Solve issues for those who have studied and researched. That monks who have prohibitions or regulations, called disciplinary law, are provisions that the Lord Buddha has said that monks can interfere with politics or not because of what has been done in the research of the law Regarding politics or playing in politics in any way Only the Sangha Law, also known as the Sangha Law, prohibits monks from associating with politics. But the monks are faithful, therefore the monks are not suitable for playing politics Or busy with politics But being above politics Should be those who give advice and those who give political advice.


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How to Cite

Mato, P. ., & (Pradon paripunno), P. uthis thamaphinạy . (2022). Buddhist monks and Thai politics. Academic Journal of Political Science and Public Administration, 2(3), 43–49. retrieved from https://so08.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/AJPP/article/view/1360