Role in prevention and resolution of social problems of the Children and Youth Council
Children and Youth Council, Prevention and Solving Social ProblemsAbstract
The current social situation of children and youth found that Living status Children still have a poor family status. Unstable housing Some families live alone Or abandoned Causing social problems and inappropriate behavior such as drinking, mingling, addicted to games, and premature pregnancy Providing the role of prevention and solution of juvenile problems to the Juvenile Council According to the National Child and Youth Development Promotion Act (No. 2) B.E. 2560, which has a social development group to oversee Which most of the work load is Organizing activities that promote And develop the capability of children and youth As well as monitoring, surveillance and social situations under the concept of "leading adult children"
Paul, B.H. & Leslie. (1955). The Sociology of Social Problems. New York: Appleton Century, Inc.
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