Administrative according to the King's science in the three southern border provinces


  • Kochnipha Inthasuwan Independent Scholar


Gender Diversity, Public, Public Organization


Three southern border provinces Which consists of Narathiwat province Yala and Pattani Province Which is diverse in ethnicity, religion, culture, with the population in the area Diverse Naturally results in thinking processes and symbols resulting from the creation of Local culture Assembled religious factors Which determines the person's thoughts and beliefs feelings and actions in different ways The origin of Multicultural society Coexistence amid differences People in society must therefore be open-minded. Looking at the area development in the government sector Leading various projects Modeling Including the principles of public administration must understand the area of the multicultural society in the three southern border provinces Therefore, the introduction of various rules and regulations to be able to implement the social economic development plan Including the development of the country Must apply the principle of "understanding, access, development" in accordance with the royal initiative of King Bhumibol Adulyadej


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How to Cite

Inthasuwan, K. . . (2022). Administrative according to the King’s science in the three southern border provinces. Academic Journal of Political Science and Public Administration, 3(1), 42–51. retrieved from