Culture of Political Participation of The People in Wang Noi Distric, Ayutthaya Province


  • Kriangkrai Phatthanachot Mahachulalongkornrajavidyala University


Culture, Political Participation


This article was to study the level of people's opinions, to compare the people's opinion and the problems, obstacles and recommendations for the culture of political participation of people at Wangnoi District, ayutthaya Province, using Mixed Methods. by overall was at high level, Findings were the level of people's opinion on the effectiveness of the implementation of the by culture of political Participation of people. Based on different is not found to be different rejecting the research hypothesis. Problems and obstacles were found that general people did not understand the political participation, Local administrative organizations did not have the effective process for the political communication Election process consisted of many steps causing confuse and wasting of time Local politicians lacked political ethics. People did not have time to participate in political activities. Because people had different occupations.


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How to Cite

Phatthanachot, K. . . (2022). Culture of Political Participation of The People in Wang Noi Distric, Ayutthaya Province. Academic Journal of Political Science and Public Administration, 3(2), 29–38. retrieved from