Volunteer and the Development of Agricultural Community Learning Center


  • Ratnatee Virojrid National Science and Technology Development Agency
  • Suphattharachai Sisabai National Science and Technology Development Agency


Management, Agricultural Community Learning Center, Volunteer


This article discusses the development of agricultural community learning center. By using the volunteer characteristics of the farmers who are participants in the management of the center. To achieve good management and quality. Affecting the operational effectiveness of the center. Also the rapid change of technology and agricultural innovation. That affects those who are responsible for managing the center inevitably. Operation of Agricultural Community Learning Center aside from having to have good management. Must rely on farmers who are involved in the management of the center that has volunteer spirit characteristics. Work for community without hoping for compensation. Which the integration of volunteer characteristics with the management of the center. Comparable to the use of the 4 Phrommawihān lead to practice through the 4 Sangahavatthu. For good effectiveness in the operation of the Agricultural Community Learning Center


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How to Cite

Virojrid, R. . ., & Sisabai, S. . . (2022). Volunteer and the Development of Agricultural Community Learning Center. Academic Journal of Political Science and Public Administration, 3(2), 39–49. retrieved from https://so08.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/AJPP/article/view/1379