Management of housing estate juristic persons according and Legal Consequences


  • Chatchai Nathamploy C.S.L. Law and Property Co., Ltd.


Management, housing estate juristic persons, legal results


The management of the housing estate juristic person management Will have characteristics that are different from legal entities in the type of limited partnership or limited company or public company That requires the Civil and Commercial Code as the main source of management operations With the objective of seeking profit Profit sharing This is different from the management of housing law, which does not involve profit-making but the management of the communities in which it lives. And collectively manage central property together There is a committee selected from the owner of the ownership of the land allocated to manage the central property and not receive compensation. It's a matter of public mind. With the Land Allocation Act 2000 Is the key for driving management Including ministerial regulations Department of Lands Regulations.


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How to Cite

Nathamploy, C. . . (2022). Management of housing estate juristic persons according and Legal Consequences. Academic Journal of Political Science and Public Administration, 3(3), 13–20. retrieved from