A Study of Leadership of Sub-District Municipality Administrators in Nonthaburi Province


  • Narumon Pensiriwan Independent Scholar


factors affecting, leadership, sub-district municipality administrators


        Objectives of this research was to study factors affecting the leadership of sub-district municipality administrators in Nonthaburi Province. Methodology was the quantitative research collected data from 326 samples who were personnel working at sub-district municipality administrators in Nonthaburi Province. The tools used to collect data were questionnaires with reliability values equal to 0.852, The statistics used for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and analyzed by descriptive interpretation and the qualitative research collected data from 18 key informants, purposefully selected from the sub-district municipality administrators in Nonthaburi Province. The tools used to collect data were the structured in-depth interview transcript by individually interviewing and the data were also collected from 11 participants in focus group discussion by analysis of Stepwise Multiple Regression.

        Findings were as follows: The last was the internal factors that affect the leadership of sub-district municipality administrator in Nonthaburi Province with statistical significance at 0.05, consisting of an organizational structure, standard of work, responsibility and the feelings of commitment to the organization, 54.4 percent of all factors. the external factors that affects the leadership of sub-district municipality administrators in Nonthaburi Province with statistical significance at 0.05, consisting of the changes in Thailand 4.0 Era, the expectations of people in the area, collaboration between the municipality and the people and allowing people to participate in the project, 54.7 percent of all factors.


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How to Cite

Pensiriwan, N. . . (2022). A Study of Leadership of Sub-District Municipality Administrators in Nonthaburi Province. Academic Journal of Political Science and Public Administration, 4(2), 1–15. retrieved from https://so08.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/AJPP/article/view/1386