The Political Communication of The Mon Monks in The Mon State, Myanmar


  • Ven. Poke Pha Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Communication, Politics, the Mon Monks, the Mon state


This article was to study the opinions, concern with the political context affecting the political communication of the Mon monks in the Mon state, the process of political communication of the Mon monks in the Mon State, Myanmar. Problems and suggestions for the political communication of the Mon Monks in the Mon State, Myanmar. Regarding political communication of the Mon Monks in the Mon State, Myanmar were that the Mon monks had political communication problems, because they could not freely and fully express their political thoughts, since some elders and high ranking monks saw it inappropriate for the monkhood. Monks must not involve with the politics. Travelling for dialogues and meetings were not convenient due to religious and social duties.


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How to Cite

Pha, V. P. . . (2022). The Political Communication of The Mon Monks in The Mon State, Myanmar. Academic Journal of Political Science and Public Administration, 4(1), 9–20. retrieved from