The Political Participation on Dhammadhipateyya of The People in Nearnphra Sub-District Muanicipality, Muang District, Rayong Province


  • Phramaha Yingyot Mahamungkaro Wat Nong Sanom, Rayong Province


Political Participation, Dhammadhipateyya


This article was to study the level of people's opinions, to compare the people's opinion and the problems, obstacles and recommendations for the people’s Dhammatipateyya Political participation at Nernpra Sub-District Municipality, Rayong Province, using Mixed Methods. by overall was at the high level all aspect, Findings were the level of people's opinion on people’s Dhammatipateyya Political participation , People with different gender, age, educational level, occupations and incomes had different opinions to be different rejecting the research hypothesis. Problems and obstacles of people’s Dhammatipateyya political participation were that people thought that politics was far away from them, politics was the politicians’ concern, not people’s business. Politics was for interest group, yielding interest for the group in power.


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How to Cite

Mahamungkaro, P. Y. . . (2022). The Political Participation on Dhammadhipateyya of The People in Nearnphra Sub-District Muanicipality, Muang District, Rayong Province. Academic Journal of Political Science and Public Administration, 4(1), 30–37. retrieved from