The People’s Political Participation in Local Elections at Nongkae Sub-District, Phraphutthabat District, Saraburi Province


  • Phrapalad Ekachai Jantakchoto Wat Nongdonnoi, Saraburi Province


Political Participation, Local Elections


This article was to study the level of people's opinions, to compare the people's opinion and the problems, obstacles and recommendations for the People’s Political Participation in Local Elections at Nongkae Sub-District, Phraphutthabat District, Saraburi Province, using Mixed Methods. by overall was at high level, Findings were the level of people's opinion on the effectiveness of the implementation of the by People’s Political Participation in Local Elections. Based on different is not found to be different rejecting the research hypothesis. Problems and obstacles of people’s still see politics as the interest of individual groups. People still believed that the power of decision making belong to government, not people. People yielded their political right to politicians and they cannot recall until next election.


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How to Cite

Jantakchoto , P. E. . . (2022). The People’s Political Participation in Local Elections at Nongkae Sub-District, Phraphutthabat District, Saraburi Province. Academic Journal of Political Science and Public Administration, 4(1), 38–49. retrieved from