Factors Affecting the Elderlys’ Potentials at the Municipalities in Lamphun Province


  • Phrakrupalad Chatchay Yannasobhano Wat Rommaneeyaram, Lamphun Province


factors affecting, potentials, elderly


The objective of this research was to study factors affecting the elderly's potential in the municipalities. A methodology was the quantitative method, data were collected with questionnaires from 380 samples who were 60 years old and above and lived at Tambol Umong, Tambol Ban Klang, Ton Thong Municipalities in Muang District, Lamphun Province, derived from the population of 7,546 people. Data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, means, standard deviation, and simple regression analysis. Findings were as follows: Factors affecting the elderly's potential development of municipalities in Lamphun Province were as follows: 1) The administrative factor, overall was at the high level, and was found that the material factor was at the highest average.  The man, management, and budgetary aspects were at lesser averages, accordingly. The municipalities provided rescue cars and ambulances for the elderly to and from hospitals together with providing capable personnel to run activities for the elderly. Furthermore; the municipalities extended the services equally for the elderly and allocated suitable budgets for elderly activities. 2) The principle of participation overall was at a high level and was found that the benefit-sharing was at the highest average. The evaluation, planning, decision-making, and operational aspects were on average, accordingly. The municipalities gave out the welfare allowances on time, participated in discussion and decision-making on the issues related to the elderly welfare, opened the opportunities for the elders to design the appropriate curriculum for the elderly, and allowed the elderly to evaluate the activities after the project ended. 3) The principle of Tisikha (Threefold Training), overall was at a high level, and was found that Sila, precept aspect was at the highest average. The Samadhi, meditation, and Panna, wisdom aspects were at lesser averages, accordingly. The municipalities promoted the elderly to practice good behavior by promoting the worship of Buddha statues at 9 monasteries and promoted the elderly to have good physical and mental health, not be a burden to the families, help look after youngsters and society, and 4) findings from the hypothesis test were found that Administrative factor (X1), participatory factor (X2) and TiSikkha factor (X3), each factor had influenced on the elderlys' potentials at the municipalities in Lumpoon Province (Y), with the statistically significant level at 0.01.


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How to Cite

Yannasobhano, P. C. . . (2022). Factors Affecting the Elderlys’ Potentials at the Municipalities in Lamphun Province. Academic Journal of Political Science and Public Administration, 4(2), 16–28. retrieved from https://so08.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/AJPP/article/view/1396