Factors Affecting of Village and Urban Fund Management in Kamphaenphet Province


  • Phisanuphong Klakasikit Office of Promotion of Local Administration, Kamphaeng Phet Province


management, effectiveness, Village and Urban Community Fund


The objective of this research was to study factors affecting the village and urban fund management in Kamphaenphet Province. The methodology was the quantitative research in the survey to study the effectiveness of village and urban fund management in Kamphaenphet Province, and step 2 is qualitative research by In-dept interview to confirm, after analyzed data. The researcher collected the data from 400 samplings. The validity of questionnaire=0.963, the research was collected by using qualitative research and quantitative research. Then the data analysis used the Content Analysis Technique through Mean (X), Standard Deviation (S.D.), and (Multiple Regression Analysis) by statistics in the conceptual framework. The findings of the research were as follows: The factors had the effect on the effectiveness of village and urban fund management in Kamphaenphet Province, the management had the effect the effective process of the village and urban fund management in Kamphaenphet Province with significant statistics at the level of 0.01, as following; working, checking and improving that the result in Multiple R=0.895, R Square=800, Adjusted R Square=0.799 and Std. Error=0.14505 showed that working management, checking, and improving can use in the prediction of the effectiveness of the process in village fund and capital city in Kamphaenphet Province at 80.0 % and considering each section found that the working section can be predicted with effectiveness of the process in village fund and capital city in Kamphaenphet Province at 98%, secondary checking section at 69% and improving section at 60.5%.


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How to Cite

Klakasikit, P. . . (2022). Factors Affecting of Village and Urban Fund Management in Kamphaenphet Province. Academic Journal of Political Science and Public Administration, 4(2), 29–39. retrieved from https://so08.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/AJPP/article/view/1397