Factors Affecting the Big Data Application for Effectiveness Enhancement of the Department of Highways


  • Wisitsorn Ekkittinan We Built Story Company Limited


factors affecting, Big Data, Enhancing Effectiveness


The objective of this research was to study factors affecting the big data application for the effective enhancement of the Department of Highways. The quantitative research, data were collected from 430 samples who were officers, staff, and permanent employees of the Inter-City Special High Ways Division, the Department of Highways with the questionnaires that had reliability values at 0.983 and analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and survey factor analysis and structural equation model. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze correlation coefficients with a high-level statistics program to examine the consistency of the model and to analyze the effect sizes of direct and indirect variables. Findings were as follows: Factors that affected the big database application for the effective enhancement of the Department of Highways with the highest scores was Iddhipāda 4 with a mean value of 3.86, consisting of Citta, attention, with a mean value of 3.91, secondly was Viriya, effort with the mean value at 3.90, Vīmaṁsā, the understanding was at 3.88 and Chanda, aspiration with the mean value at3.74. The second factor was work efficiency with a mean value of 3.67, comprehension of the big data base with a mean value of 3.62, and management factor had a mean value of 3.56 accordingly.


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How to Cite

Ekkittinan, W. . . (2022). Factors Affecting the Big Data Application for Effectiveness Enhancement of the Department of Highways . Academic Journal of Political Science and Public Administration, 4(3), 1–17. retrieved from https://so08.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/AJPP/article/view/1430