Factors Affecting Competency for Digital Technology Learning of Administrative Court Personnel


  • Piya Patangta Independent Scholar


factors affecting, Competency for Learning, Digital Technology


The objective of this research was to study factors affecting the Competency for Digital Technology Learning of Administrative Court Personnel. The methodology was quantitative research that collected data from 338 samples who were administrative court personnel. The tools used to collect data were questionnaires with reliability values equal to 0.966, The statistics used for Stepwise Multiple Regression Analysis

        Findings were as follows: Factors affecting the competency for digital technology comprehension of the Administrative Court personnel was found that 1) component of competency for digital technology comprehension of the Administrative Court personnel consisted of 3 aspects: self-conception, personal qualification, and motif were at the statistically significant level at 0.01 indicating that components of competency together could predict the competency development for digital technology comprehension of the Administrative Court personnel at 32.8 percent. Each aspect was also found that personal qualification could predict competency development at 43.3 percent, followed by motif could predict at 14.4 percent, and self-conception could predict at 5.5 percent respectively. 2) threefold wisdom that affected the digital technology comprehension of the Administrative Court personnel consisted of 3 dimensions: Sutamayapanna (learning), Jintamayapanna (review) and Bhavanamayapanna (practice) were statistically significant level at 0.01 indicating that threefold wisdom together could predict the competency development for digital technology comprehension of the Administrative Court


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How to Cite

Patangta, P. . . (2022). Factors Affecting Competency for Digital Technology Learning of Administrative Court Personnel. Academic Journal of Political Science and Public Administration, 4(3), 32–44. retrieved from https://so08.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/AJPP/article/view/1432