Analytical Study People's Rights and Freedom According to Buddhist Science


  • Phratheppariyattimethi (Sarit Siritharo) Wat Nakhon Sawan, Nakhon Sawan Province


Right and Liberty, Political, Buddhist


The objective of this dissertation was to analytically study people's rights and freedom according to Buddhist science. The methodology was the qualitative method, data were collected from the document, related research, and 18 key informants via in-depth-interview and 10 participants in focus group discussion. Data were analyzed by content descriptive interpretation. Findings were as follows: Political Rights and freedom according to Buddha. That is morality, the natural phenomena that prevail in general of living and non-living things. If it is nature, it is normal, because it is natural law. Morality exists normally naturally. Morality is the code of ethics in religion. It is coded in form of culture, morality, regulations, and traditions. They are Sila, Samadhi, Panna, Vimutti, Vimuttiyanatassana. The concept of political rights and freedom according to Buddhism is peace. It is peace or pacification. It is liberty or Vinutti. It is equality. It is a brotherhood, being brother and sister by virtue. The concept of political rights and freedom according to the Buddhist monastic concept is the right and freedom not to torture oneself and others. It is democratic equality according to Saraniyadhamma 6, a state of conciliation, virtues for fraternal living, social freedom, and equality. Brahmaviharadhamma adhering to righteousness supremacy, supported by middle path economy., performing righteous duties to the fullest capacity by Kusalakammapadha, Chakkavadhivatti, and Rajasangahavattu. Political rights and freedom at the personal level must be of 7 attributes and be modeled on members of society with Sappurisadhamma 7. The political right and freedom at societal levels, persons must have morality in line with Sucarita, pure conduct 3, Kusalakammapadha 10, Sila 5, beneficial to society according to 5 precepts, being beneficial to society according to Brahmavihara 4, Sangahavattu 4, a man with good participation according to Nathakaranadhamma 10, Saraniyadhamma 7,  a man with participation according to good governance according to Athipateyya 3, Apparihaniyadhamma 7 and a man who is state leader or country governor according to 10 royal virtues, Chakkavadhi 12,  Rajasangahavattu 4, Samaggi 3 and Agati 4.


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How to Cite

(Sarit Siritharo), P. . . (2022). Analytical Study People’s Rights and Freedom According to Buddhist Science. Academic Journal of Political Science and Public Administration, 4(3), 45–60. retrieved from