
  • Yaowapha Rungruang Chachoengsao Provincial Office of Buddhism
  • Wisutthinan Ninlaphat Chachoengsao Provincial Office of Buddhism
  • Natthakit Chaiariyamethee Chachoengsao Provincial Office of Buddhism


Digital Competency, Human Resource Development, 21 Centuries


The necessary digital competency framework towards human resources development of public sector organizations in the 21st century. From the review of concepts, the digital competency approach had been summarized into 4 parts and had integrated competency units into each component as follows: Together with Digital Literacy (D1), Digital Understanding, Digital Skill (D2), Using Digital, Problem Solving Digital (D3), Solving Problems with Digital Tools, and Adaptive Digital (D4). Adapting to digital transformation All of these were elements for promoting application in government organizations to develop human resources in the areas of 1. Training & Learning 2. Promoting between individuals or the ability to work as a team. Teamwork and 3. Evaluation, all things were connected to the development of government resources as a never-ending process. It promoted competency from the beginning into work. until the end or growth in one's career, Safety in the use of digital technology must also be considered appropriately. Organizations must develop digital competencies for government personnel continuously and fairly. Equal for all age groups, every work group because the human resources in each organization and the potential of each department were different. Leaders must promote and push personnel equally to be able to work using digital technology to respond to needs of people and society appropriately in the digital age. Personnel must understand, use and be able to integrate work appropriately based on safety in the use of personal and collective digital, beneficial to the continuous development of oneself and the organization, creating capabilities that are appropriately up to date with the social situation.


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How to Cite

Rungruang, Y., Ninlaphat, W., & Chaiariyamethee, N. (2024). DIGITAL COMPETENCIES: PUBLIC SECTOR HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT IN THE 21ST CENTURY. Academic Journal of Political Science and Public Administration, 6(1), 185–201. retrieved from