
  • Pharakhruthammathorn Jirachat Bhuddharakkito Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Phramahakiattipong Apisitto Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Anchalee Tienkachart Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Morality, Environment, Efficiency


One of the important aspects of organizational work is the working environment. This academic paper puts forward the viewpoint of constructing a positive environment by using the principles of Buddhist law. Combined with the theory of working environment construction, starting from four aspects: physiology, psychology, occupational safety and organization and cooperation, if people are not supported by a good working environment, their work will be delayed and their work interest will be insufficient. Insufficient facilities, employees value personal interests rather than lack of enthusiasm for work, resulting in pressure and stimulating positive thoughts, which will inevitably form a benign culture, mutual trust, listening and solving problems together. The application of etiquette principles includes:
1. Compassion, please have love, and wish others happiness. 2. Be kind to others and share what he lacks. 3. Know how to control yourself and don't speculate on external things. 4. Integrity will build trust inside and outside the organization. 5. Keen self-awareness, always use wisdom, look at problems, don't be emotional, don't indulge in all kinds of words. Combining with management will strengthen the weakness of the organization. Employees will have commitment, trust, a sense of belonging in the organization, confidence in their work and will not abandon each other. Create a family society, live together safely, stay away from laziness and external objects, and establish a good and effective image for the organization.


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How to Cite

Bhuddharakkito, P. J. ., Apisitto, P., & Tienkachart, A. (2023). USING MORAL PRINCIPLES TO CREATE AN EFFECTIVE WORKING ENVIRONMENT. Academic Journal of Political Science and Public Administration, 5(3), 81–90. retrieved from