
  • Thanakrit Phoengurn Pathumthani University


Innovation, New Era of Politics, General Election, Move Forward


The objective of this article was to study political innovation in the 2023 general election campaign. This election, the Move Forward Party used political innovation by designing progressive political and public policies, different from other political parties. To face the rapid changes in the world in terms of politics, economy, society, and technology. Social media were used as a tool in the campaign to communicate with the public that characteristics were as follows: 1. used diversification of opposite types of old method of the older parties by using their party policy and the era of new generation leadership 2. emphasized the use of social media, especially TikTok, YouTube, which did not require payment (free to use) to reach voters, understand and remember the party's policies and candidates 3. did not use money to buy votes. (There was no case yet regarding vote buying.) 4. Used leading policies and leader were smart young Voters representing the new generation, young people and 5. Emphasis on speaking performance in the House of Representatives for 4 full years. The mentioned political innovation resulted in the Move Forward Party, which entered only its second term, winning the general election. It became the first party to win 151 members of the House of Representatives from candidates competing in the election from 67 political parties. The election results of the Move Forward Party created a new political dimension in which political parties and politicians Including those interested in politics, they can use this as a lesson in the next election.


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How to Cite

Phoengurn, T. (2024). POLITICAL INNOVATION IN THE NEW ERA OF THAILAND STUDY AND ANALYSIS OF THE RESULTS OF THE 2023 GENERAL ELECTION. Academic Journal of Political Science and Public Administration, 6(1), 168–184. retrieved from https://so08.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/AJPP/article/view/2415