
  • Phrakhru Suthiwanan (Pakdee Khemtharo) Chanthaburi Buddhist College
  • Phramaha Wiset Kantadhammo Chanthaburi Buddhist College
  • Nara Bunlikitkul Chanthaburi Buddhist College


Mindfulness, Relationship, Personnel


This article presents building good relationships in organizations by applying the principles of mindfulness in Buddhism. The Buddha taught his disciples to be mindful of every posture in their actions, including speech, work, and lifestyle. Therefore, it can be applied to management in the organization. From the distance of work during the crisis of the COVID-19 epidemic. By reducing distance and having face – to – face conversations. A distant relationship makes you think that you are the only one who works hard. There is a feeling of not being as close as before, combined with the business growth that is recovering it feels like work is not progressing. Including not seeing changes in the organization itself. Using the principle of mindfulness to maintain the relationship of personnel in the organization to return to its original efficiency starts with 1. Using mindfulness in conversation by looking at thought own feelings. 2. Know how to be careful of your co-workers’ thoughts and feelings.3. Using mindfulness for open and honest communication. 4. Training to know how to work together in harmony. 5. Building confidence by using mindfulness in your expressions to indicate your leadership status. These 5 points are basic guidelines to be followed in building good relationships with personnel. Respect each other accept advice and criticize with positive thoughts. This will lead to an efficient organization and a good image in the future.


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How to Cite

(Pakdee Khemtharo), P. S., Wiset Kantadhammo, P., & Bunlikitkul, N. (2024). CREATING MINDFULNESS TO MAINTAIN PERSONNEL RELATIONSHIPS WITHIN THE ORGANIZATION. Academic Journal of Political Science and Public Administration, 6(1), 211–223. retrieved from