
  • Meenawan Nimyaem Kasetsart University
  • Pirada Chairatana Kasetsart University


The Defence Technology Institute, Working Factor, Work Performance


The purpose of this quantitative research is to study the efficiency of work, compare work efficiency based on personal factors, and study factors that influence work efficiency. The data was collected via a questionnaire from 190 Defence Technology Institute (DTI) personnel who were selected by quota sampling according to their work group affiliations. 

In the results of the research, DTI personnel with various personal factors such as gender, age, position, education level, and average monthly income were found to be highly efficient in their work. In terms of work performance, there is no difference. Even though the work groups were under different jurisdictions, there was a statistically significant difference in operational efficiency between the groups. Factors relevant to job performance, such as knowledge, understanding, and relationships with people in the workplace, as well as job security and advancement, are statistically significant. The knowledge gained through research contributes to employees' performance in completing their work in a timely manner, with quality and according to the standards as intended, and in performing their tasks efficiently. This indicates that the organisation uses available resources most economically or least efficiently possible. In terms of production costs, the time spent working is efficient, fast, and on-time, which can result in a more efficient work process.


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How to Cite

Nimyaem, M., & Chairatana , P. (2024). FACTORS INFLUENCING THE WORK EFFICIENCY OF DEFENCE TECHNOLOGY INSTITUTE EMPLOYEES. Academic Journal of Political Science and Public Administration, 6(3), 74–89. retrieved from https://so08.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/AJPP/article/view/3043