
  • Thanyathorn Chiwalertrat Trat Provincial Election Commission Office


Integrative Buddhism, Election Litigation Process, Authority, Election Commission


The objectives of this research paper are to: 1. Study the election process according to the duties and powers of the Election Commission, 2. Study the factors affecting the election process according to the duties and powers of the Election Commission, and 3. Present the integrated Buddhist to promote the election process according to the duties and powers of the Election Commission. Integrated Research Model Qualitative research uses the method of in-depth interviews with specific key informants. 18 photos or people and specific group discussions 8 photos or people. The quantitative research used a questionnaire with a total confidence value of 0.974. Data were collected from a sample of 258 people, the sample size from Taro Yamane's formula was determined at a confidence level of 95%, and the data were analyzed by finding the frequency, percentage, mean standard deviation, and multiple regression analysis

The results of the research show that: 1. The level of the election process according to the duties and powers of the Election Commission is very high. The average value is 3.98, which is the highest average, namely the lawful performance of duties. The election management is honest and fair. Domestic and international recognition. 2. Factors affecting the election process according to the duties and powers of the Election Commission
1. Perform legal duties. Organizing or conducting elections. Controlling and supervising the election affecting the election process according to the duties and powers of the Election Commission respectively. Statistically significant level 0.01 shows that 68.0% of the candidates can jointly predict the election process of the Election Commission 2. Principle 3 affects the election process according to the duties and powers of the Election Commission in one aspect, namely good faith, which has a statistical significance of level 0.01, indicating that Principle 3 can jointly predict the election process of the Election Commission (EC) 22.00%.


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How to Cite

Chiwalertrat, T. (2024). BUDDHADHAMMA INTEGRATION FOR PROMOTING POLITICAL ELECTION PROCESS ACCORDING TO DUTIES AND AUTHORITIES OF ELECTION COMMISSION. Academic Journal of Political Science and Public Administration, 6(3), 202–216. retrieved from https://so08.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/AJPP/article/view/3936