
  • Patchareeya Fongchanta Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Termsak Thong-In Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Surapon Suyaprom Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Buddhist Methods of Communication, Political Popularity, VacãSucarita


Objectives of this dissertation were: 1. To study the political popularity among people of local politicians in Lampang Province, 2. To study the factors that affected the political popularity among the people of local politicians in Lampang Province, and 3. To study Buddhist communication methods for promoting the political popularity among the people of local politicians in Lampang Province, conducted by the mixed research methods. The qualitative research data were collected by interviewing 18 key informants and 8 participants in the focus group discussion. The data were analyzed by content descriptive interpretation. The quantitative research using questionnaires to collect data from 398 samples and the data were analyzed by the frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and multiple regression analysis.

The findings were as follows. 1, The political popularity among the people towards local politicians in Lampang Province consists of the image of a political party, the image of leaders, and the main approach of political parties. 2, Factors affecting political popularity among people toward local politicians in Lampang Province were found that, the communication and Vacisucarita, affecting political popularity among people toward local politicians in Lampang Province statistical significance at 0.01. 3. Buddhist methods of communication to create political popularity among the people of local politicians in Lampang province was found that: Vacisucarita consists of, 1. musavādā, abstaining from lying and distorting, falsehood. The sender must send a factual message, accurate could be checked, use the right facts and information, adhering to moral principles, precept 5 in verse 4, 2. Pisunavaca, refraining from sarcastic and insulting words, refraining from sarcasm, insulting others, causing damage to others, 3. Parusavaca, accept and listen to other people's ideas. refraining from saying rude words to hurt others, communication using polite, gentle, respectful words, and not affecting others, creating a good image for oneself, and 4. Sampappalapa, refraining from non-sense, communicating with clear, good content, direct and reasons, by using reliable content to support with supporting evidence, through verification, not to speak imaginary, fanciful or exaggerated advertisements.


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How to Cite

Fongchanta, P., Thong-In, T. ., & Suyaprom, S. (2024). BUDDHIST METHODS OF COMMUNICATION FOR CREATING POLITICAL POPULARITY AMONG PEOPLE OF LOCAL POLITICIANS IN LAMPANG PROVINCE. Academic Journal of Political Science and Public Administration, 6(3), 187–201. retrieved from https://so08.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/AJPP/article/view/3946