
  • Phra Chanarong Prasertsri Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Leadership, Political Communication, Buddha-Dhamma


Communication is essential in conveying and exchanging ideas, feelings, and needs, as well as seeking information for decision-making. or solving problems; at present, political communication in Thailand will need help from communicators. Political leaders at different levels still need to gain communication skills, which is a significant factor in many limitations. The messenger needs to gain the skills to access anonymous information. Therefore, the principle of political communication is to convey information that wins trust among stakeholders in a benevolent way. Buddhist principles in political communication to be honest to the face and behind the back to maintain the principles of political participation by adhering to the principles of political communication as the basis for conducting various activities in society.

This article has the purpose of writing because it is to apply the principles of Buddhist communication, which are the four Sangahavatthus principles: 1. Dana means knowing how to be generous; 2. Piyavācā: loving speech; 4. Samanatta explains that leaders who play a role in political communication. at the local level, as well as the public under democracy, adhere to the principles of Buddhism By adhering to the principles of political communication as the basis for conducting various activities in society and political economy.


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How to Cite

Prasertsri, P. C. (2023). LEADERSHIP: BUDDHISM-BASED POLITICAL COMMUNICATION. Academic Journal of Political Science and Public Administration, 5(2), 30–40. retrieved from https://so08.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/AJPP/article/view/593



Academic Article
