
  • Somsak Pucharoen Independent Scholar
  • Chawengsak Iamsamang Independent Scholar
  • Prodpran Sernvongsat Independent Scholar


Politics, Government


In this article, the author has reviewed the concept of politics and governance. It is generally understood that these two words have the same meaning. But in the academic field of political science and social science, there are differences in concepts, and on one side, there are overlaps in practice. In this article, the author explains the differences between these two words to give readers an overview and theoretical implications to create a basis for learning. Politics and governance explain social behavior in which a society uses one mechanism to make the organization coexist in an orderly way. No chaos. That mechanism is an administrative mechanism. The terms "politics" and "government" are often spoken or read together as if they are the same word and have the same meaning. But these two words have different meanings but are always used together. Politics should be public affairs related to the state, while the government is meant to imply. Supervise, with one goal, such as peace, serenity, or for the benefit of parents.


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How to Cite

Pucharoen, S., Iamsamang, C., & Sernvongsat, P. (2023). FROM POLITICS TO GOVERNMENT. Academic Journal of Political Science and Public Administration, 5(2), 13–29. retrieved from



Academic Article
