
  • Phrakhrusamu Suwan Viriyo (Singnoo) Wat Nong Phai Kaeo, Chon Buri province
  • Manatsanan Siwapornpattana Wat Nong Phai Kaeo, Chon Buri province


Reorganization, Generation Y group, Thai Society


Work is a very important element that makes human behavior manifest Work is a very important element that makes human behavior manifest in all aspects of work. Every organization wants its organization to grow and have stability. The most important factor in making the organization progress is the personnel working for the organization as a tool to change society There are different decision-making factors, perceptions, and values. The people of the organization are the key gears in driving the organization to be successful. The activities that people take to achieve that goal make the organization a living organization. learning is created skill and innovation Today, the groups of people who live together in the organization are very different. Because of the birth in the era or at different times, Organizations should therefore have to deal with such changes. To maintain people with the ability to stay with the organization by understanding the characteristics of people. and transforming the organization by the new era Especially people in the Generation Y group. while entering the work system and some are stepping up to the level of corporate executives The purpose of this article was to study and compare the perception of Generation Y characteristics and organizational alignment between generations working together in today's organizations in the world of work.


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How to Cite

Viriyo (Singnoo), P. S., & Siwapornpattana, M. (2023). THE REORGANIZATION FOR WHY GENERATION IN THAI SOCIETY. Academic Journal of Political Science and Public Administration, 5(1), 60–70. retrieved from