The The Online Learning of Grammatical Usage via Web-application with FSA Strategy and the Integration of 4 Iddhipādas Performance


  • Jutharat Compeerapap Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Dr. Aungkana Kamonpetch Chulalongkorn University


English Grammar Learning, FSA strategy, Web-application online media, 4 IIddhipādas Performance


In this article, the objectives were purposely made: 1) to study the concept of the application of online social media – Web Application in the development of the performance of the Four Paths of the Accomplishment for English grammar learning with Functional Sentence Analysis Strategy or FSA, 2) to study the aforementioned Buddhist innovation, the FSA-4 Iddhipādas Model to enhance the correctness of the grammatical usage.  This study was qualitative-oriented by means of the documentary study.  In the integration of the Functional Sentence Analysis Strategy or FSA Strategy with the performance of the Buddhist principle of 4 Iddhipādas, it is well coherent leading to the high proficiency of both performances.

The results of the findings revealed the innovation of the application of FSA strategy via the online web application system for MCU’s Graduate Studies students. It, then, created four kinds of innovation as followed: 1) the innovation of English grammar learning through FSA Strategy with the technique of the relations of ‘functions’ of ‘word forms’ between and within ‘units of meanings’ promoting learning to do critical thinking and analyzing the grammatical relations, 2) the learning innovation via online web application sharpening the skills of information technology (IT) and self-learning; 3) the Buddhist innovation in applying the Buddhist principle enhancing learning and at the same time of developing  inner-self of 4  Iddhipādas and 4) the innovation of interdisciplinary among education, psychology, the principle of religion and technology creating FSA- 4 Iddhipādas MODEL.


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How to Cite

Compeerapap, J. ., & Kamonpetch, A. (2024). The The Online Learning of Grammatical Usage via Web-application with FSA Strategy and the Integration of 4 Iddhipādas Performance. Journal of MCU Languages and Cultures, 4(1), 53–86. retrieved from



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